Sephora Makeup Kit
Burtsbees Chap Stick
Tinted Lip Gloss
Compact Mirror
Make-Up Bag
That is IT, 10 things....So I started with my Make-Up Bags...I wrote 1 down on my list but look how many I found:

EIGHT! Why do I have 8 make up bags??? So I decided to get rid of all but 1 of them...however..which one? They are all so cute!! But because its ridiculous to keep all of them I was able to semi-easily pick three to donate. I had a harder time with the other 5. So I decided to keep 1 for my bathroom/purse and 1 will go into my suitcase for when I travel. The other 3...well I can't decide. I don't need them but I don't want to just get rid of them :)
My brilliant plan is to start a December box. I am going to throw these 3 bags (and anything else that I can't decide on) into my December box and if I haven't used them by December..they are out of here!!!!
Off to find unique ways to use these bags so I can keep them!
I find makeup bags are great for keeping track of all the little bits and pieces ER has from various toy sets, like her Littest Pet Shop.